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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Development Update 4/30/20

Finished a short 3 level Hotline Miami 2 campaign.
Can be downloaded here.

Besides that, I also started helping offlexp with a Half-Life 2 mod.

I put an announcement for Doomguy and the Quest for Pie on Reddit. Basically, I'm transitioning to an episodic content model. Going to be releasing the mod episodically.

EVA-303 (Hotline Miami 2 Level)

My first set of levels. I know it's short, sorry, but I might make a sequel.

The story is based on the lesser known webcomic of the same name. Credit to Grummancat for that.
(Go check it out!

You play as Chris.
After researching the elusive secret organization SEELE for quite some time, you finally decide that it's time to give those assholes what they deserve.

Constructive criticism welcome!

Steam Workshop Download

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Development Update 4/29/20

Didn't do much in the way of development today, just kinda took a break. Did however start on a Hotline Miami 2 campaign. Game's being buggy though. Will update more in the future.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Development Update: 4/28/20

Hey guys, first development update.
So onto my various projects. With Doki-Doki Rising Storm 3: Redux, I've been working with my team on the mod. Still kinda got writers block on the story. I need some inspiration.
Currently trying to work with /u/TurboAlexZ on Half-Doki. We're still looking for sprite artists, and we've gotten a draft for chapter 1 and 2 done.
Also, on Doomguy and the Quest for Pie, a small comedy mod for DDLC I'm working on, I currently have chapter 1 and 2 done and programmed. I've decided to release this mod in an episodic format. Episode 1 coming soon.
Development on my standalone visual novel game, Eighty Four, is going well. I've just recieved the sprites for one character, and I'm still waiting on the MC sprites. Almost finished with chapter 1.

Despair (DDLC Mod)

Original description from Reddit:

"This is a short mod I made. (In a day) It centers on the life of a NEET protagonist, his struggles, and how he deals with his problems."

Little short one off mod I made in a day. Not really planning on doing anything with this.

Download Link

Doki-Doki: Rising Storm 2

Original description from Reddit:

"After almost a year, I finally decided to hell with it, I'll upload it.

No music, but I did add sound effects, which I think adds to the atmosphere better."

Currently working on a sequel for this, I'll keep you guys updated.

Download Link

Doki-Doki: Rising Storm

Original description from Reddit:

"IMPORTANT!: This is a very short mod, and it is my first mod. It's okay in my opinion, but please, if there is something you don't like/disagree with, comment it below so I can improve this mod and hopefully update it in the future.

ALSO IMPORTANT: This mod is mainly based on the experiences of the main character out of the literature club, so instead of focusing on and devoting time to creating separate routes for each of the girls, I chose to make the plot center on the main character's relationship with Yuri. The plot is very linear, so I feel like it would take away from the experience if I made every girl have a route. I did though, try to make the sections where you are talking with the girls as great as it can be so you really feel a connection with them, and it doesn't feel rushed compared to the parts after it. Anyway, enjoy the mod!


After joining the literature club and making friends with it's members, a presidential announcement occurs. You open your phone to check the news and see the president announcing that we have declared war on Vietnam, and that all men 17 and older will be drafted. Your heart sinks.

A few days later, you say goodbye to the literature club members and promise them you'll make it back. Then you're off to Vietnam, unaware of the unforeseen consequences ahead of you.

Even though this is my first mod, I still tried for some degree of quality in it and tried to create the best storytelling experience I could. Please, leave constructive criticism/helpful comments that will help me create the best possible mod I can make. Also, please report any bugs that you find so I can fix them and release an update for the mod.

Most likely you should use the version of DDLC from their website, I haven't tested this with the Steam version. You can download it here:

Installation instructions are in the README!.txt

Have fun with this mod and keep a keen eye out for more content in the future.


There's a released sequel for this mod, and another sequel on the way.

Visual Novel Game Progress , Name Change - 11/28/20

 Hey guys, so I just wanted to make a quick little post to explain some stuff. Basically, I found out that someone else was already developi...