Geez it's been a long time... I probably should update this thing more often.
Anyways, I've been kinda taking a bit of a break on all of my projects, but now I've resumed some. As a dev, burnout kills. This 2-3 months of me not doing anything with all of my projects can most likely be attributed to me spending 12-13 hours straight working on a mod for a DDLC community mod jam. Remind me not to do that again. Time crunches amirite?
Even though no one really cares, I am still working on my standalone visual novel. It's just sort of taken a backseat to my other projects as I lack the money for the assets and have just been in general distracted from it. I am forcing myself to at least finish it someday though.
Very close to being finished with the remaster I've been working on of my first ever DDLC mod. It's looking like it's shaping up to be what my true vision was all those years ago.