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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Visual Novel Game Progress , Name Change - 11/28/20

 Hey guys, so I just wanted to make a quick little post to explain some stuff. Basically, I found out that someone else was already developing a game with the same name as mine. So naturally, I changed it, and the game is now called "Hachijushi", which is Japanese for "Eighty Four." A fine compromise. 

Anyway, I'm after a long hiatus from it's development, I'm going to start back up with it. 

Here's all the socials for it:



My Twitter (for dev updates)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

General progress update - 11/22/20

Geez it's been a long time... I probably should update this thing more often.

Anyways, I've been kinda taking a bit of a break on all of my projects, but now I've resumed some. As a dev, burnout kills. This 2-3 months of me not doing anything with all of my projects can most likely be attributed to me spending 12-13 hours straight working on a mod for a DDLC community mod jam. Remind me not to do that again. Time crunches amirite?

Even though no one really cares, I am still working on my standalone visual novel. It's just sort of taken a backseat to my other projects as I lack the money for the assets and have just been in general distracted from it. I am forcing myself to at least finish it someday though.

Very close to being finished with the remaster I've been working on of my first ever DDLC mod. It's looking like it's shaping up to be what my true vision was all those years ago.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Visual Novel Game Progress - 7/12/20 - Name Reveal!

Lately I've been making considerable progress on my visual novel game I'm developing. I'm almost done with the first chapter, and I estimate there'll be about 8 or 9 chapters total. All the sprites and backgrounds are in order, (Thanks to my great artist Saki!) and the title screen/steam cover art is underway! Development is going smoothly, and by the end I think it'll turn out to be a great finished product. I've done the calculations, and turns out in the end I'll only be spending about 200 dollars on the game. (Assets, steam cost)

Anyways, the name of the game is Eighty Four. There ya go guys ;)
See ya

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Doomguy and the Quest for Pie - Demo Release

I've released the demo for my pseudo-comedy DDLC mod, Doomguy and the Quest for Pie, go check it out if you'd like.

Link to Reddit Post

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Patreon Update

Hey guys, I just wanted to share this patreon update I put out (which also has some development info there so if you want to you can go check it out.)

Basically it just talks about how I got everything in regards to my Patreon page set up and various goals I have for my standalone game I'm developing.

Monday, June 29, 2020

(Joke) Game released

Was bored, and a guy on Twitter gave me an idea for a joke visual novel partially inspired by Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs. Sorry for the lack of updates lately, life has been going it's usual slow pace and I just haven't had much to put here. Link

Friday, May 8, 2020

Update - 5/8/20

Sorry about the lack of updates recently. Just had a lot of stuff going on. (And kinda forgot this blog exisited)

Haven't worked on my DDLC mods in a while. It may seem like they're dead, but they're not. I want to continue work on them, just had a lot of school stuff to do + other things.

Been working on YouTube videos and some other projects of mine. (You can visit my YouTube channel from the links in the About page or the sidebar)

I did however, finish a Hotline Miami 2 custom campaign, yet I have still yet to publish it. Will most likely do that in a few days. It has twelve levels and custom music.

Anyways, peace.

Visual Novel Game Progress , Name Change - 11/28/20

 Hey guys, so I just wanted to make a quick little post to explain some stuff. Basically, I found out that someone else was already developi...